General Production

•If filming at a stage and the red light is on, never enter the set. Filming is in progress.

•One sound of the warning bell means camera is rolling and two chimes means it is cut.

•When the camera is rolling, turn off your walkie (or used an earbud) and always have your phone on silent or vibrate.

•Until they call “Cut” do not move about or speak.

•No guests are allowed on a set without permission from the Producers.

•Read the Call Sheet to avoid pestering the Assistant Director (AD) with questions that can be answered from it.

•Know the chain of command in the production department and ask the appropriate person for what you need.

•If you are Key, always let the AD know if you are stepping off set.

•Never take a photograph of an actor without his/her expressed permission. Do not ask them for their autograph.

•Never sit in a chair designated for Cast.

•Always knock before entering an actor’s trailer/dressing room.

•Be polite to the background/atmosphere talent.

•If you have a script to offer an actor, DON”T.

•Keep your acting tips to yourself.

Around the Camera

•Whenever you need to take a photograph that requires a flash on set, yell “Flashing” and wait a bit before taking the shot.

•Never look through the eyepiece of the camera without permission from the Director of Photography (DP).

•Always try to walk behind the camera when a shot is being set up.

•If you must step in front of the camera yell “Crossing.”

•Keep your hands off the slate if you are not in the Camera Department.

•Absolutely NO FOOD OR DRINK can be placed on the camera cart or cases.

•Do not stand in front of the lights.

•If you can see the camera lens, it can see you. Move.


•Don’t say anything on the set you wouldn’t want everyone to hear. You may be standing near an open mike. That applies to jokes as well as complaints.

•Avoid unexpected loud noises. You don’t want to deafen the Sound Department.

•Even if the shot is MOS, keep quiet during filming.

•Keep an eye out and feet off of the sound cables.

•No food or drink on or near the sound equipment.

•Don’t crowd the video Assist Operator. Ask if you can stand by if you need to.

•The screen is not there for your entertainment.

Electric & Lights

•Never plug anything into the hot box. Ask an electrician.

•Never move a light...and if you bump one by accident, notify the AD or Gaffer.

•Never place anything on top of a light or resting against it.

•Don’t touch the lens or bulb of a lamp. Hot hot.

•Ask the electrics if you need a stinger (extension cord) or work light. Stay out of their kit and off their truck.


•Apple boxes are not chairs. Don’t sit on them.

•If you need something from the Grips, “please” and “thank you” go a long way on a stressed set. •If you jostle a stand, let the Grips know right away.

•Unless you have permission, don’t touch the Grip equipment or help yourself to their expendables.

•Borrow from the Grip department only with permission and return it as soon as you are done with it.

Hair & Make-Up

•Knock and wait for a response before entering the Hair & Make-Up trailer or their designated area.

•Before entering a trailer, say “Stepping up”

•Don’t pester the glam squad for freebies or beauty tips.

•Never touch an actor’s face or hair during the shoot day.


•Before entering the costume trailer, knock and wait until there’s an answer.

•Never “borrow” anything from the costumer’s kit.

•Don’t ask the costumers to mend or clean your personal clothing.

Art Department

•Be careful not to bump into any part of the set to avoid nicks or chipping the paint.

•“Hot Set” means keep away and don’t move anything. Walk around it if it’s in your path.

•If you bring in on the set while working, take it away with you. That means set bags, drink cans and trash.

•Don’t walk through set doors, even if they’re practical. You never know what’s behind it.

•Never use the furniture on a set. It’s not there for your comfort.

•Don’t bug the Art Department for any labels created for the production.


•Never handle props on set without permission....especially prop guns. No exceptions.

•Never sit in or move a director’s chair that is not designated for you.

•The food on set is not a snack. Go to the craft service table if you’re hungry.

•Take care around breakaway glass shards. They’re sharp.

Catering & Craft Service

•Always thank them.

•Don’t complain about the food to them. Bring your own if you don’t like it. They have a budget to work with.

•The craft service table is for the cast and crew, not your kid’s lunch box. Buy your own snacks for home.

....And Furthermore

•The Set Medic provides emergency needs like aspirin and bandages. Buy your own vitamins. •Clean up after yourself in the honey wagon.

•Park where the Location Department tells you.

•Unless needed, keep out of the picture cars.

•The animal actors are just as important as the other ones. Don’t pet or distract them without the Trainer’s permission. That goes for the other ones also.