Communication Standards & Protocol
If you receive an email from Oakwood Arts or anyone from production, always respond.
Acknowledge that you received it. Saying thank you, you understand, ok, or something to the effect of “copy that”.
If others are cc’d on that email REPLY ALL.
Make sure you Put the person who sends you the email’s name at the top of the email when you respond.
Always sign it with your name. And you should have your cell phone number in your signature.
----------Example of response-------------------
Thanks. I will be there at 6 am.
If there are other people cc’d on the email, look their name up on the call sheet before you respond so that you are aware who else you are speaking with.
It is helpful if you keep us in the loop, then I know how to help you all navigate things, and we can make sure we are helping on our end to get you all the info you need to know.
If we are not cc’d on the email DO NOT ADD US- Just forward your response with the original email in the thread. -DO NOT FORWARD if it is confidential information.
If they send confidential info and you want some clarification or advice from us, call us, do not share.
Your supervisor has emailed you and it has his cell phone number in the email you can also text or call if it is an emergency. If you text make sure you don’t use shorthand abbreviations and put your name with a dash at the end of your message.
Reasons to call
If you are running late, there is an accident CALL your supervisor.
If they don’t answer, send a text.