Lindsay Crumpton, Kuni Ohi, Edward Nyankori, Andrew Corbin, Sid Caldwel, Shannon Castleman, Jasmine Elmore, Liz Silver
AD Department & PA Training w/ Donald Sparks
VFX Conversation with Hue&Cry
Jeff HC, Matt HC, Cloie HC, LeRon Lee, Kuni Ohi, Revel, Shannon Castleman, Jasmine Elmore, Liz Silver, Asa Jackson, Raven Smith, Jesse Smith, Mason Mills, Enjoli Moon, Amy Andrews H., Lindsay Crumpton, Alliannah Hamilton
Story Board Meeting
LeRon Lee, Raven O, Raven S., Julie Tripp, Jasmine Elmore, Shannon Castleman
Art Department Meeting
Asa Jackson, Mike Harrell, Amy Harrell, Patrick Storey, revel, LeRon Lee, Liz Silver, Alliannah Hamilton, Shannon Castleman, Elexiss, Lindsay, Jasmine Elmore, Nigel Richardson, Enjoli Moon, Neic
Shotlist Meeting
Kuni Ohi, LeRon Lee, Jasmine Elmore, Shannon Castleman
VFX Conversation w/ The Mill
Justin Matzen, Vadim Turchin, Antoine Douadi, LeRon Lee, Kuni Ohi, Shannon Castleman, Jasmine Elmore, Liz Silver, Edward Nyankori, Jesse Smith